
e-Transcripts and Supportive Services

MHEC’s contract for e-Transcripts and Supportive Services is a result of a competitive request for proposal (RFP) process completed in January 2021. Seven proposals were received and upon meeting all of the requirements the RFP the committee selected to award Parchment for e-Transcripts and Supportive Services. The contract facilitates the transfer of student information among all participating secondary and postsecondary institutions. This information is exchanged between high schools (public and private) and colleges and universities (public and private non-profit), between participating institutions and state agencies. See Parchment's page for more information.

RFP: Digital Credentialing Solutions (e.g., e-Transcripts)
Q&A: Digital Credential Solutions (e.g., e-Transcripts)

Instructional Design and Instructional Training Services

MHEC participated as an intergovernmental agency in a piggyback solicitation with the North Dakota University System July 2020 bid for Instructional Design and Instructional Training Services. In September 2020, North Dakota University System awarded eight providers contracts. The resulting contracts provide an option to extend providers instructional design and training services throughout the entire MHEC region. Currently, Ease Learning has agreed to offer their services to both public and private not-for-profit higher education institutions. Visit Ease Learning page for more information.